
Chemical sensitivity is a condition of unusual sensitivity of an individual to one or more chemicals occurring in the environment to which the majority of the other individuals may be non -sensitive or non-reactive.

Chemical sensitivity is a condition of unusual sensitivity of an individual to one or more chemicals occurring in the environment to which the majority of the other individuals may be non -sensitive or non-reactive.

Chemicals are hidden in many unexpected places around us. Then major sources of chemicals that we encounter in our everyday lives are from our foods and household environments. These sources include: food preservatives, taste enhancers(MSG) food colorings, food additives, appearance and texture enhancers ,vegetables and fruits grown using chemical fertilizers and sprayed with various highly toxic pesticides either while growing or packaging, herbs and vitamins ;water chemicals from polluted , oral or injectable drugs ,immunizations and vaccinations, environmental chemicals such as pesticides, insecticides, chemical fertilizers, heavy metals, smoke and fumes from wood burning, exhaust, toxic waste from various sources, weather related conditions encouraging toxic releases in the environments, radon and radiation, petrochemicals such as housewares, household cleaning chemicals, detergents, soaps, fabric softeners, beauty supplies and products, chemically treated fabrics, synthetic fabrics, dry cleaning agents, plastics and vinyl products, paper products, and school related chemicals, etc. Man-made chemicals are being created daily.

Exposure to any of these items can produce debilitating symptoms in chemically sensitive people.

Major health problems seen in chemically sensitive people:

Asthma, emphysema, bronchitis, chronic lung disorders, hay-fever, rhinitis, sinusitis, chronic cough, post nasal drip, throat irritation, seasonal allergies besides many other allergy related disorders.

People suffering food allergies have no seasonal symptoms, but suffer from varying numbers of unusual or unpleasant physical, physiological or emotional symptoms whenever they eat any food with some chemicals.

People suffering from chemical allergies through external sources have no unusual symptoms if they do not come in contact with any chemicals. But, whenever they come near or in contact with any chemicals they are sensitive to, they suffer from a varying number of unpleasant physical, physiological or emotional symptoms.

People suffering from chemical allergies from internal sources react to their own body secretions, body parts and different organs. The body’s defense mechanism is derailed, and the body makes antibodies against its own tissues and or fluids. The immune system attacks the body that it inhabits, which eventually causes damage or alteration to its own sells, tissues, organs and functions.

People allergic to natural environmental allergens have frequent tearing from eyes, sneezing, wheezing, have asthma and other upper respiratory disturbances, suffer from fatigue, irritability and hay-fever symptoms during pollen season.

People suffering from allergies to animals and other humans react to the electromagnetic energy of other living beings, which makes allergic to other human beings, parents, siblings, children, spouse employee and employer etc. They can also have allergies to pets, cats, dogs, insects, bees, ants etc.

People with emotional allergies have allergies to the actions and interactions of everyday life. They may be allergic to their own thoughts and feelings, anger, anxiety, self-esteem, inferiority, superiority and so on.  Some allergic people enjoy going against rules and regulations acting against the norm in situations or disobeying authorities and so on.

People with combination allergies react to what seems to be an infinite number of combinations of food, pollens, chemicals, other human beings, animals, thoughts, memories and concepts.

People who are universal reactors have multiple chemical sensitivities and suffer from severe reactions to all allergens. They suffer from many health problems. They are grouped as ecologically and environmentally ill. Ecological illness is the result of adverse reactions to substances in the air, water, food, living environment, work environment and chemicals. These people do not feel safe anywhere.

Usually people suffer symptoms from two or more groups, not just one group.

We are exposed to a multitude of toxins that adversely affect our immune system. Chronic illnesses including cancer, heart disease and autoimmune disorders are occurring at epidemic rates.

There are hardly any human diseases or conditions in which chemical or environmental sensitives are not directly or indirectly involved.

The chemical compounds that keep our leftovers fresh and make our floors easy to clean may be a factor in the rising levels of asthma and allergies in children around the world.

  • Toxins can be breathed in through the lungs and other mucus membranes via exposure to the nose, eyes, etc.
  • Ingested through the alimentary canal via ingestion by mouth, affecting stomach, intestines.
  • Through the skin, via direct exposure to toxic liquids or gases.
  • Directly into the blood stream via injection, as with medications or drugs.

It is not always obvious how a particular substance comes into a person’s system. One way or another these

Contaminations always end up in the bloodstream.

Once in the bloodstream, a toxin can go anywhere in the body.


NAET (Nambudripad’s allergy Elimination technique) has a unique way of detecting the causes of various allergies and allergy related ailments. NAET can very successfully eliminate various allergies and related health disorders.



According to NAET theory, allergies cause 99%of skin disorders. These skin disorders can be eliminated with NAET allergy desensitization treatment.

The most common appearances of skin disorders include some form of rash, inflammation, pimples, pus-filled bumps, blisters, dry scales, hardening, itching and pain.


Eczema is an inflammation of the dermis and epidermis on any part of the body. Symptoms include persistent or recurring skin rashes characterized by redness, swelling, itching, dryness, crusting, flaking, blistering, cracking, oozing, bleeding etc.

Eczema is seen among people of all ages, and in every city and country.

  • Allergies
  • Hormonal changes
  • Scratching
  • Injury
  • Underlying health disorder

Most often one of the major causes for all types of eczema may be an allergy to something one is eating, touching at home or outside.


Acne refers to pimples or pus-containing lesions commonly found on the face, neck, or upper body. Acne occurs when bacteria-filled hair follicles become inflamed. Usually, this is from the effects of hormones on the sebaceous glands .Acne is a common skin disorder often seen among teenagers.

  • Genetic factors
  • Stress, through increased output of hormones from the adrenal glands
  • Hyperactive sebaceous glands
  • Accumulation of dead skin cells
  • Bacteria in the pores, to which the body becomes ‘allergic’
  • Prior bacterial infection
  • Skin irritation, from rubbing, trauma, tight clothing, scratching of any sort.
  • Cosmetics with ingredients to which the body is allergic to
  • Certain medications
  • Exposure to high levels of chlorine compounds, particularly chlorinated dioxins
  • Extreme weather conditions-heat, cold humidity
  • Greasy and fried foods
  • Food allergies that trigger acne\

Psoriasis is a chronic recurring condition that varies in severity from minor localized patches to complete body coverage. Symptoms include red patches, silvery white scales, small scaling spots, red puss-filled bumps, changes in fingernails or toenail appearances and/or swollen and stiff joints

  1. Plaque psoriasis
  2. Flexural Psoriasis
  3. Guttate Psoriasis
  4. Pustular psoriasis
  5. Nail Psoriasis
  6. Erythrodermic psoriasis
  7. Psoriatic Arthritis
  • Genetic predisposition
  • Alcohol consumption
  • Smoking
  • Stress

Candidiasis is an infection caused by a microscopic fungi or yeast in the candida family. The most common species is candida albicans.

Location:-Candida infections can affect the skin, mouth, esophagus and genitals. Skin infections commonly occur in warm moist body areas. The skin effectively blocks yeast, but any breakdown or cuts in the skin may allow this organism to penetrate.

Symptoms of candidiasis depend on the part of the body affected. Cutaneous candidiasis, Oral candidiasis, esophageal candidiasis, vaginal candidiasis and so on.

  • Antibiotics– this decreases the number of normal flora and permit the overgrowth of candida in the body.
  • Hormonal changes-increased estrogen levels, estrogen containing birth control pills, pregnancy, hormone replacement therapy, infertility treatments etc.
  • Weakened immune system– infections of any kind are more common when the immune system is weakened.
  • Poor diet-Candida overgrowth occurs in the body when food is not properly digested, resulting in poor absorption and assimilation of nutrients. Poor assimilation of nutrients leads to a weak immune system and poor circulation of energy, building up the waste products in the body, mainly in the gut. Yeast and candida multiply by the millions to ferment the waste buildup in the gut, and travel to other parts of the body.
  • Allergies-allergies are the cause of most yeast and candida infections.

Nearly 15% of the patients with immune compromising disease develop systemic candidiasis. People of all ages are affected by candidiasis.

Athlete’s foot:

Athlete’s foot is a common persistent infection of the foot caused by a microscopic fungus that lives on dead tissue of hair, toenails, and outer skin layers. The infection is transmitted from person to person. The infection enters the body through a cut or abrasion on the bottom of the feet.

These fungi thrive in warm, moist environments such shoes, stockings and the floors of public showers, locker rooms swimming pools, gymnasiums, and other areas where people share facilities.

Common symptoms include persistent itching of the skin on the sole of the foot or between the toes. As the infection progresses, the skin grows soft and the center of the infection becomes inflamed and sensitive to the touch. Gradually, the edges of the infected area become milky white and the skin begins to peel and a slight discharge also may be present.

Individuals who suffer from skin disorders are sensitive to foods, environmental substances and chemical substances from their surroundings. They may also have very fragile emotions. These in turn will disturb their energy meridians and suffer from skin disorders.

Your patience and perseverance in NAET treatments will surely see that you are free from all skin issues.




Stress/ emotions as a cause of physiological health issues:

NAET theory believes that there are some hidden causes for your health problems. NAET practitioner will try different ways to track the cause of your problem, find it, treat it, and the problem goes away.  Most probably you never suspected any traumatic emotional involvement with your allergic reactions. Some commonly experienced emotions can lead you to sickness and after treating with NAET emotional release technique, you can lead a normal life. If you experience any unusual physical, physiological or emotional symptoms without any obvious reason, you can suspect an emotional blockage.

How does an emotion cause a disease? Well it could be that the body’s response to the emotion can cause an arrest in digestion and absorption. Thus the reason for a malabsorption, which could cause a disease like high blood pressure, may be that an allergy or sensitivity toward an essential item like salt, is present. The brain and nervous system are responsible for thinking and processing. But when certain essential nutrients are not assimilated properly, these normal functions do not take place. For us to feel, well, our body and brain functions have to go on without a hitch.

When we talk about the body and metabolism, the most important events are digestion and absorption as well as elimination of waste. If a person cannot absorb a food item due to intolerance, then it does not matter whether you supplement that person with a ton of vitamins. The key is to somehow change that person’s digestion so that the absorption actually takes place.

Mental health is how we think, feel and act as we cope with life. It also helps to determine how we handle stress, relate to others and make choices. Mental health is important and play a great role at all stages of life beginning from childhood until we die. A normal body depends on a well –coordinated, synchronized function of physical, physiological and psychological levels of the body. If one of the levels does not function properly, it will slow down or impair the function of the entire body.

The mind is divided into two aspects: subconscious and conscious. Either aspect can get affected at any time with or without any obvious reason. When any part of the mind gets affected, it is important to identify the affected part and determine the cause and remove it and restore the normal function of the mind.

Everyone feels worried, anxious sad or stressed at certain times. When the immediate crises is over, a person with a normal mind soon returns to normal thinking and activities. But to certain people, such unpleasant events happen more often and they do not forget them that easily. These people may have severe nutritional deficiencies probably contributed by severe food allergies, food sensitivities or food intolerance. Nutritional deficiencies can lead to delicate nervous system, weak subconscious minds and fragile conscious minds.  Their sensitive, subconscious minds may decide not to cooperate with the conscious mind anymore and choose to function independently. When the conscious and subconscious minds decide to function independently, the individual may suffer from personality disorders.

Causes for Emotional Imbalances:
  • Food allergies
  • Environmental Sensitivities—could be triggered by adverse interactions between chemicals or environmental substances.
  • Chemical Sensitivities-Manmade chemicals, like house cleaning products
  • Brain chemicals—-Abnormal production of brain chemicals
  • Nutritional Deficiencies
  • Overload of internal Toxins—overeating, poor digestion and poor elimination
  • Over exposure to External Toxins—Living near toxic area, breathing toxic fumes
  • Hormone imbalance—abnormal production of hormones due to various reasons
  • Emotional factors—unresolved fearful memories from the past
  • Hereditary factors—inherited health problems
  • Genetic factors—deletion of certain chromosomes or other elements or genetic mutations
  • Medical causes—terminal illness

Any of these can cause energy disturbances in the psychological aspects of the energy meridians and cause instability in the mental status.

A body should be balanced physically, nutritionally and emotionally for normal health. NAET practitioners are taught to look at the body as a whole and to administer the necessary treatments to bring it into balance. Emotional blockages can cause severe problems, mimicking allergies or various other common health problems. NAET practitioners are trained to isolate emotional blockages from simple allergies and eliminate them permanently. EMOTIONAL BLOCKAGES CAN BE THE PRIMARY CAUSE OF YOUR HEALTH PROBLEMS

Avoid eating when you are under stress. Always have pleasant thoughts while preparing and eating food. When you prepare food with enthusiasm and warm feelings, you blend the food with unblocked free flowing energy. This will enhance the nutritious value of the food many- fold. If you cook with negative emotions, your negative electromagnetic energy will transfer into the prepared food. When the food enters your stomach accompanied by feelings of love and happiness, your body and mind will cherish the nutrients and help the body and mind grow healthy. AVOID ARGUMENTS AT THE TABLE WHILE EATING, PREVENT REPEATED EMOTIONAL BLOCKAGES WITH FOOD. (Ref. Dr. Devi)

Forgiving someone who hurt you will bring lot of peace to your mind. Learn the art of forgiving.



Inflammation is the body’s response towards the pathogens. It is an important part of the normal healing process in a living organism.  Immune system produces inflammation as a first step of immune response in the affected or injured part of the body, in order to alert the defense forces in the body to generate and dispatch appropriate fighting forces for the situation.

Inflammation is part of our innate immunity. Innate is what is naturally present in our bodies when we are born.  When the body encounters pathogens the body responses by producing inflammation. We get adaptive immunity after we get vaccination or immunization or suffering from a real illness. (e.g.  Chicken pox) The response of the adaptive immunity is specific to one pathogen or one specific allergen.

Immune system is a coordinated system of cells, tissues, blood, lymph, body fluids, and soluble molecules that constitute the body’s defense system against a variety of immune system disturbing agents from one’s surroundings.

The Immune system disturbing Agents:-
  • Non-pathogenic agents:- atmospheric agents like cold, heat, wind, dryness, dampness.
  • Pathogenic agents:- bacteria, virus, parasite, fungus, mold
  • Toxins produced within the body due to adverse interaction between the body against other infectious agents.
  • Accumulation of endogenous toxins produced within the body from consuming allergic or unsuitable foods.
  • Accumulation of toxins in the body from adverse reaction of the body with various chemicals or other environmental agents like pollens, dust, mold etc.
  • Toxins produced within the body from emotional stressors, post-traumatic stress disorders and other emotional issues.
  • Inappropriate reproduction of cells, abnormal growth of certain body parts, and formation of tumors anywhere in the body leading to disturbances of circulation of energy, lymph or blood.
Causes of Poor Immune System:-
  1. Emotional imbalances
  2. Stress
  3. Lifestyle changes
  4. Overwork
  5. Insufficient sleep
  6. Inadequate nutrition or lack of nutrients
  7. Abusing the body through various factors
  8. Living in unsuitable conditions
  9. Overload of toxins in the body
  10. Radiation
  11. Aging
  12. Sensitivities, intolerances and allergies
All diseases will be processed through two routes

It goes through certain stages:- inflammation, degeneration, necrosis, repair, regeneration and back to normality.


If the body fails to resolve all the above, the final stage sets in the complete shutdown of all organs, eventually leading to death of the individual.

The inflammation is the first stage of healing process. The resolution of the disease depends on how the individual’s body manages    the first step of the healing process.


Patients should bring along;

  • Medical records
  • Allergy test results –IgE specific for at least 50 allergens
  • Complete blood count

We will treat for all basic 15 groups of allergens one at a time.

Will treat any allergen that needs to be treated.

Will treat for any pathogens that are affecting the person.


NAET IS A VERY PROMISING TREATMENT, without any medications a person can get well completely and permanently.

“You need patience and perseverance”





Celiac disease is a digestive condition triggered by consumption of the protein gluten, which is primarily found in foods containing wheat, barley, rye and oats. People with celiac disease who eat foods containing gluten experience an immune reaction in their small intestine, causing damage to the inner surface of the small intestine and an inability to absorb certain nutrients.

Normally, the small intestine is lined with tiny, hair –like projections called villi. Villi serve to absorb vitamins, minerals and other nutrients from the food we eat. In celiac disease, the body develops an inflammatory reaction towards gluten proteins which leads to damage to the villi.   Without prominent villi, the inner surface of the small intestine becomes less efficient to absorb nutrients necessary for health and growth. Instead, nutrients such as fat, protein, vitamins and minerals are malabsorbed. This leads to nutrient deficiencies and variety of gastrointestinal issues.

The symptoms of celiac disease can be different from person to person. This makes diagnosis difficult.

Sometimes patients with Celiac disease may have no apparent symptoms, which is called latent celiac disease. Depending on the degree of reaction to gluten, different manifestations of celiac disease are possible.

Severe celiac disease leads to the characteristic symptoms of pale, loose, voluminous, malodorous and greasy stool, abdominal pain and cramping, bloating with abdominal distension, mouth ulcers, weight loss, failure to gain weight. As the bowel becomes more damaged a degree of lactose intolerance may develop. People with milder celiac disease may have symptoms that are much more subtle and occur in other organs rather than the bowel itself. Many adults with subtle disease only have fatigue or anemia.

Celiac disease leads to an increased risk of both adenocarcinoma (small intestine cancer) and lymphoma of the small bowel. IgA deficiency is present in 2.3% of patients with celiac disease, and in turn, this condition features a tenfold increased risk of celiac disease.

Another possible symptom of celiac disease is a rash called dermatitis herpetiformis. This is a condition where the patient can have an itchy, blistering skin disease that stems from underlying autoimmune process. The rash usually occurs on the torso, scalp and buttocks. This rash resolves with a gluten-free diet.

NAET treatments for celiac disease:-

Before beginning the treatment, patient must have done the following laboratory tests.

  • Serum for IgE and IgG specific
  • Endomysial antibody
  • Gliadin antibody
  • Gluten IgE sp and IgG
  • T-Transglutaminase LgA
  • t-Transglutaminase IgG

All allergens must be tested and treated one at a time and check any combinations and must be treated and cleared 100%.Any emotions associated with it also must be checked and treated.

Patients must avoid foods with gluten until they become asymptomatic as well as negative on the blood test.

It is really hard work on the part of the NAET practitioner as well as patient. But you will be rewarded with good health.

NAET is the best way to clear allergies and get back to normal health. NAET treatments help to improve your immune system and help fight many diseases.


Nutrition is a process by which living organisms utilize food to maintain bodily functions. It is a science, a field of inquiry, a systematic collection of facts about the body’s chemical processing and biological use of food. For an NAET specialist, nutrition is the source for health or sickness.

In every living organism, there exists a specific unique relationship between each of the vital elements that make up its biochemical nature. It is very important to determine whether the consumed food is digested, absorbed or assimilated appropriately into the system to help the person to grow or maintain a healthy system.

 If the consumed food is not digesting properly, not assimilating adequately, various health disorders can develop. The reason is simple:-The person is allergic to the food. What is the solution? Treat the person using NAET for the food before consumption.

Your body and the foods you eat are made up of atoms and molecules. The process of nutrition involves the transformation of atoms and molecules present in food into the kind of atoms and molecules that make up the body. This transformation occurs inside the cells of all animal bodies. Cells are the building blocks of any living organism. Each cell is a miniature factory. Here the nutrients are processed for energy, growth and development, repairs and maintenance of its particular body function.

The body is a highly organized system containing many types of cells, each specifically structured to fulfill a particular function assigned to that cell. Not only each cell, but each inclusion body carries instructions to maintain physical, physiological and emotional health of the organism. NAET practitioners may have to eliminate cellular level imbalances, and at times one may need to treat a particular cell inclusion body to completely eliminate all allergy of a person toward a particular substance.

If the nutrients are digested and assimilated properly, one may not need to consume large quantities of food every day. Good eating habits along with appropriate amount of food will give adequate nutrition to the person. But due to many factors essential nutrients are not absorbed properly in the body. NAET plays a key role in keeping you fit and healthy. You don’t need to run here and there to reduce your obesity. Your body will maintain the balance.

The only reason for malabsorption is allergies, allergy to nutrient alone, the body organs, tissues, combination of nutrient and body tissue, body secretions, any other factors involved in the digestion and assimilation processes like temperature, solubility, emotions and so on. Amino acids play a great role in proper digestion, absorption and assimilation. Usually one of the causes of improper digestion and assimilation of food is due to low levels of essential amino acids in the blood. Amino acids affect neurotransmitters in the brain and nervous system. Imbalances in amino acids can affect behavioral disorders, blood sugar disorders, immune dysfunction, eating disorders, connective tissue disorders and many more.

You may be eating all good food but if you are allergic to those items, what is the use.  Many report that they drink lemon juice everyday but still they are not well. If you are allergic to lemon juice what do you do? NAET is the only answer. Go for it!!

NAET helps you to remove allergies to your food, environmental factors physical agents and treat for stress in your life. This way you will be fit for life.


Autism is a biological, neurological and developmental disorder which   severely impairs a child’s communication and social interactions. A child with autism shows little interest in the world or people around him/her.

Severe delays in language development:-language is slow to develop or it may not develop at all.

A child with autism often avoid eye contact. There is an impaired ability to develop friendship, understand others feelings or interact and play with peers.

Some children with autism, excel in certain skills such as music, art, math calculations and so on.

Most children with autism exhibit repetitive body movements, twisting, spinning, rocking and so on. They are unable to tolerate change.

Autism is on the rise by high percentages. The modern concept is that these children suffer from toxic brain that may be due to –

  • Nutritional deficiency
  • Poorly tolerated immunizations
  • Overuse of antibiotics
  • Intestinal yeast/candida overgrowth
  • Inadequate liver detoxification,
  • Heavy metal intoxication
  • All above could be caused by allergies
  • Emotional issues

An allergic reaction may be manifested in varying degrees in a child with autism. Irritability of the brain and nervous system, inappropriate activity, itching rashes, ear infections, edema, asthma, pains and aches, restlessness, insomnia, cravings, indigestion, vomiting, anger, depression, disturbed vision, incontinence, repeated infections, panic attacks, brain fog and many more.


NAET will start with BBF (brain body balancing formula), and start treating and clearing allergies one by one. All food and environmental allergies, digestive enzymes, physical agents like cold, heat cloudy weather ,allergy to immunizations,  medications and emotional blocks all will be checked and treated . We also check and treat for parts of brain and nerves, and any combinations needed will be checked and treated.

You will start noticing changes as we progress with treatments.  Time taken for treatments will depend on each person. Some will take few months and others may be few years.  We need to pursue the treatments.

I have worked with many children with autism and have seen such remarkable changes. Many children with autism can get back to normal function.



A disease in which the body’s immune system attacks healthy cells. Our immune system is supposed to protect our body from harmful viruses and bacteria but it does not happen. When a person faces problems with immune system, it can overproduce antibodies and send the body into overdrive. The system mistakes healthy tissues for invaders and begins attacking healthy tissues. An allergy to our own tissues.  The causes and triggers of autoimmune diseases are largely unknown.


There are several types of autoimmune diseases, depending on the part that is affected by our own antibodies. I just talk about a few here

  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Parkinson disease

According to NAET—they are caused by, various allergies, toxins, vaccinations, antibiotics, toxic processed food and sedentary life style and the main cause is chronic stress


It is a chronic inflammatory disorder affecting many joints. It occurs when your immune system attacks the synovium, the lining of the membranes that surround your joints.

The resulting inflammation thickens the synovium, which can eventually destroy the cartilage and bone within the joint.

Multiple Sclerosis:-

Multiple Sclerosis is a demyelinating disease of the central Nervous system- affecting both brain and spinal cord.

Myelin is the protective sheath that surrounds the axons of neurons, allowing them to quickly pass impulses.

In Multiple Sclerosis demyelination happens when the immune system inappropriately attacks and destroys the myelin, which makes communication between neurons break down, ultimately leading to all sorts of sensory, motor and cognitive problems.

Now, the brain, including the neurons in the brain, is protected by things in the blood by the blood brain barrier which only lets certain molecules and cells through from the blood


HM disease is a condition in which your immune system attacks your thyroid.

Inflammation from HM disease, also known as chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis, often leads to an under active thyroid gland.

Symptoms of HM disease:-
  • fatigue and sluggishness
  • increased sensitivity to cold
  • constipation
  • pale dry skin
  • a puffy face
  • brittle nails
  • Hair loss
  • enlargement of the tongue
  • unexplained weight gain
  • muscle aches, tenderness and stiffness
  • muscle weakness
  • excessive or prolonged menstrual bleeding
  • depression
  • memory loss

What does thyroid do?

Thyroid is responsible for producing hormones that affect every function in our body. It produces three types of hormones.

Thyroid hormones regulate metabolism and body weight by controlling –burning of fat for energy and heat.

Thyroid hormones are required for growth and development in children.

They signal the production of virtually all growth factors in your body

Thyroid hormones in pregnant women are involved in the production of prolactin a hormone responsible for milk production

Interact with all your other hormones including insulin, cortisol, and sex hormones like estrogen, progesterone and testosterone.

TSH is produced by the pituitary gland. A high TSH level indicates hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) and a low TSH level indicates hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid).

Thyroid Disruptors:-
  1. Chronic stress –Physical, chemical or emotional
  2. Medications
  3. Environmental toxins
  4. Toxic processed food
  5. A sedentary lifestyle
  6. Heavy metal exposure

Chronic fatigue syndrome is a multisystem disease that causes dysfunction of neurological system, immune system, endocrine system and energy metabolism system.

Manifested by –extreme fatigue

  • decreased stamina
  • lack of concentration
  • Headaches
  • brain fog
  • depressed

Difficult to diagnose, they visit multiple doctors, but no solution. They are often termed as “sick in Head”

There is no single test to diagnose chronic fatigue syndrome. It is characterized by extreme fatigue. The fatigue may worsen with physical or mental activity but does not improve with rest.

They can’t sleep and if slept, they don’t find them rested, wake up still tired, can’t tolerate even mild noise.

Parkinson’s disease:

Parkinson’s disease is a progressive nervous system disorder that affects movements. Symptoms start gradually, sometimes starting with a barely noticeable tremor on just one hand. Tremors are common, but the disorder also commonly causes stuffiness or slowing of movements.

Treatment using NAET:

Treat and remove all allergies and treat combinations of allergies.

Treat for major stresses in life, clear any blocked emotions. This will make the person feel a whole lot better. Then keep checking for all that is causing the specific problem.

Remember it is important to work hard, pursue the treatment, you will reach a much better happy life. How long it will take depend on your body. Very chronic cases will take time, but you will be rewarded with a pain free life.


Millions of People from all over the world suffer from Asthma. It is very painful to see someone gasping for breath. I often wish, all those suffering from Asthma would come to NAET Koramangala, Bangalore   and get help for asthma. NAET can completely and permanently clear Asthma.

Asthma is an allergic state in which the bronchial tubes constrict the passage of air, resulting in severe difficulty breathing and a whistling type of exhalation. The sides of the airways in the lungs become swollen, causing recurring episodes of wheezing, breathlessness, tightness and aching of the chest and throat constriction-like sensations. .Most people suffering from asthma wake up in the night coughing or wheezing usually between 3 and 5 AM. If we don’t treat the cause of asthma, it can become very chronic. Once causes are determined and eliminated by reprogramming the brain, asthma can often be eradicated permanently.

NAET, using NMST(neuro muscular sensitivity testing) can retrieve information from your autonomic nervous system about most stages of your health problems. To accomplish allergy elimination, NAET utilizes a combination of kinesiology, acupuncture, acupressure, nutritional management and specific type of gentle spinal manipulative procedure derived from chiropractic methods.

  • Heredity-An allergic tendency is inherited from parents and family as dominant or recessive, but allergic manifestation may vary from generation to generation.
  • Toxins:-toxins from foods and food proteins such as egg, milk, peanuts, wheat, fish soy and so on.
  • Toxins from food additives, colours, preservatives, food chemicals, and processed foods.
  • Medications:-Prescription and nonprescription drugs, herbal supplements, nutritional supplements and protein drinks
  • Molds and fungus
  • Latex, plastics, synthetic materials, dry cleaning chemicals, animal dander and many more
  • Dust and dust mites
  • Inhalants:-pollens, grass, weed, and other environmental agents
  • Infections:-toxins produced in the body from invasions of microorganisms such as virus, bacteria, parasite, yeast candida d
  • Building materials such as paint ,formaldehyde, wood, polish, glues, carpets and many more
  • A depressed immune system due to chronic illnesses
  • Hormonal deficiencies and dysfunction of glands and hormones
  • Posttraumatic disorders
  • Gastric reflux disorders
  • Radiation and geopathic stress
  • Poor physical activity
  • Emotional trauma, childhood abuses ,fear, anger anxiety to name a few

In sensitive individuals, contact with any allergen can produce a variety of symptoms, in varying degrees ranging from mild itching to severe swelling of the tissues or mild fatigue to severe anaphylaxis. NAET is capable of detecting and eliminating these allergies and help the person to lead a happy healthy life. Never give up, pursue till you regain 100% good health free from any asthma.


Welcome to NAET Koramangala

  • Be punctual with the appointment
  • Bring your health records, medical reports and blood report of your allergies, if any.
  • Bathe, wear freshly washed clothes and very minimum ornaments
  • Wear no perfume, perspiration smelling clothes, socks or shoes
  • Rinse your mouth and wash your hands before entering the clinic
  • Children below 5 years of age must wear correct fitting socks
  • Set your mobile phone to airplane mode
  • If you are anaphylactic to any item, please be sure to inform
  • Bring a small bottle of water for you to drink

NAET is a way to reprogram one’s brain to its original state. It helps one’s brain to remove the faulty program and replace with the correct one. NAET uses Neuro Muscular Sensitivity Testing (NMST) to detect imbalances in the body.

When an allergen’s incompatible electromagnetic energy comes close to a person’s energy field, repulsion takes place. This energy disturbance produces energy blockages in the energy meridians creating disorganization in body functioning giving rise to various types of allergic reactions and diseases.

Your body has a way of telling you when you are in trouble. When you go near allergens, your brain will begin to produce various symptoms in your body such as, itchy throat, watery eyes, sneezing, coughing, pains in various parts of the body, yawning, sudden tiredness, etc. If you learn to understand your brain and its clues closely, you may be able to avoid many unpleasant events in your life including many serious health disorders.

NMST is a tool that is used successfully to identify the allergens .In this procedure we will compare the strength of a strong muscle in your body (arm) in the presence and absence of a suspected allergen. If a previously strong muscle tests weak in the presence of a substance, the substance is an allergen. If the substance was not able to elicit a weakness in the previously strong muscle, then the substance is not an allergen. NAET practitioner can easily identify the presence of allergies around you. NMST is a variation of kinesiological testing.

We use surrogate testing to test an infant, an invalid person, a very strong or a very weak person.

On the first day, after consultation, history taking and registration, you will be treated for BBF( brain body balancing formula).Wait for 25 hours for the body to correct this energy flow. Only after this we do check for other various allergies. There are fifteen food items mandatory for checking and treating before treating any other allergen. They are ,

Egg mix, Calcium mix, milk mix, Vit. C mix, B   complex mix, sugar mix ,iron mix , vit.A mix, mineral mix, grain mix, yeast mix, Stomach acid, Base, hormone, organ mix.  These are items we all eat on a daily basis. We remove the allergy to each of these one by one. When we treat for an allergen, you need to avoid that item for 24 to 25 hours. There is absolutely no medicines or prick involved in this treatment.

How many days it will take depends on your body. Once you are cleared of these allergies, you begin to eat items from the treated group, your body will assimilate the nutrients and you begin to feel more energized. This will help to boost your immune system. Once an allergen is cleared 100%,it is cleared for life.

Remember NAET is not a magic cure. It is hard work. Hard work based on Oriental healing arts .If you are not willing to work hard, if you expect a magic bullet to cure all your problems, NAET is not for you. If you are willing to work hard, and pursue the treatments, you can get relief from all your allergies.

Through NAET, your reprogrammed brain will have learned to accept substances it previously rejected and will allow your body to react normally to the element of your life so you can get on your way to perfect health. NAET will guide you in the right direction, will give you an opportunity to lead a happy, healthy and a normal life.


"The Doctor of the future will give No Medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease."
- Thomas A Edison

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