
May 29, 2021 by naetindia0

Nutrition is a process by which living organisms utilize food to maintain bodily functions. It is a science, a field of inquiry, a systematic collection of facts about the body’s chemical processing and biological use of food. For an NAET specialist, nutrition is the source for health or sickness.

In every living organism, there exists a specific unique relationship between each of the vital elements that make up its biochemical nature. It is very important to determine whether the consumed food is digested, absorbed or assimilated appropriately into the system to help the person to grow or maintain a healthy system.

 If the consumed food is not digesting properly, not assimilating adequately, various health disorders can develop. The reason is simple:-The person is allergic to the food. What is the solution? Treat the person using NAET for the food before consumption.

Your body and the foods you eat are made up of atoms and molecules. The process of nutrition involves the transformation of atoms and molecules present in food into the kind of atoms and molecules that make up the body. This transformation occurs inside the cells of all animal bodies. Cells are the building blocks of any living organism. Each cell is a miniature factory. Here the nutrients are processed for energy, growth and development, repairs and maintenance of its particular body function.

The body is a highly organized system containing many types of cells, each specifically structured to fulfill a particular function assigned to that cell. Not only each cell, but each inclusion body carries instructions to maintain physical, physiological and emotional health of the organism. NAET practitioners may have to eliminate cellular level imbalances, and at times one may need to treat a particular cell inclusion body to completely eliminate all allergy of a person toward a particular substance.

If the nutrients are digested and assimilated properly, one may not need to consume large quantities of food every day. Good eating habits along with appropriate amount of food will give adequate nutrition to the person. But due to many factors essential nutrients are not absorbed properly in the body. NAET plays a key role in keeping you fit and healthy. You don’t need to run here and there to reduce your obesity. Your body will maintain the balance.

The only reason for malabsorption is allergies, allergy to nutrient alone, the body organs, tissues, combination of nutrient and body tissue, body secretions, any other factors involved in the digestion and assimilation processes like temperature, solubility, emotions and so on. Amino acids play a great role in proper digestion, absorption and assimilation. Usually one of the causes of improper digestion and assimilation of food is due to low levels of essential amino acids in the blood. Amino acids affect neurotransmitters in the brain and nervous system. Imbalances in amino acids can affect behavioral disorders, blood sugar disorders, immune dysfunction, eating disorders, connective tissue disorders and many more.

You may be eating all good food but if you are allergic to those items, what is the use.  Many report that they drink lemon juice everyday but still they are not well. If you are allergic to lemon juice what do you do? NAET is the only answer. Go for it!!

NAET helps you to remove allergies to your food, environmental factors physical agents and treat for stress in your life. This way you will be fit for life.

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"The Doctor of the future will give No Medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease."
- Thomas A Edison

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